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Friday, December 26, 2014

Las Vegas Company Could Print Next 3D Technology Car

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LAS VEGAS (AP) — Near the corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Stewart Avenue stand two squat garages, sporting the letters "LM." The initials stand for "Local Motors," but they may also represent the future of automobile-making in the United States and beyond. It's here, just blocks away from the smoky casinos of Fremont Street and the Las Vegas Strip, where you'll find the company responsible for the world's first 3-D-printed car.

3d technology car

Founded in Phoenix but partly funded by the VegasTechFund in Las Vegas, Local Motors wants customers to be able to visit one of three micro-factories in the country, choose a body type from an extensive list and pick up a newly printed car, all in a 24-hour period, according to Gina O'Connell, Local Motors' general manager.

In the past five years, the 3D printing business has exploded, following the development and release of low-cost, easy-to-use printers like the Makerbot Replicator used by hobbyists to print everything from toys to product models to guns. The trend is poised to impact the auto business, where 3D printers can lower the cost of production and the amount of time it takes to make a car.

Local Motors printed the Strati in September using the world's first large-scale 3D printer, designed by Ohio-based Cincinnati Inc. and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, based in Tennessee. But the product that put Local Motors on the map won't be in Las Vegas until January, when the Consumer Electronics Show comes into town.

The first Strati took five straight days to print. Since its first printing, the company has whittled that time to 44 hours. In the future, engineers hope to build the car in less than 24.

While most gas-powered cars have more than 25,000 parts, the Strati has 49.

When Local Motors introduced the car at the 2014 International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago, the Strati landed in publications like Popular Science and the New York Times. The exposure shined a light on the 3-D printing process, which has recently gained attention in industries such as health care, where doctors have just started using the machines to make prosthetics for patients and their pets.

A printer the size of a two-car garage uses digital schematics and a giant metal arm equipped with a printing "head" to produce the car. Pellets of ABS plastic the same material used to make Legos are fed into the head, which is heated to more than 400 degrees. The head moves in a pattern supplied by a computer and slowly feeds plastic and carbon fiber onto a platform to build the car, layer by layer. Soon after, the bottom part of the car seems to materialize out of nothing, like the Star Trek "transporter" done backward.

The printer produces the car's chassis, body, dashboard, center console, seats, fenders, bonnet and boot. The only things that are not printed are the windshields, springs, struts, motor, battery, headlights, steering wheels and tail lights. Engineers add those components after the printer spits out the car's main pieces.

When the car is finished, it's not pretty like a Corvette or a Ferrari is pretty. Its edges are rough and obviously fashioned by a machine. But that's the point. Local Motors' mission is to offer the world a utilitarian product, not a beautiful one.

"It could be about beauty if you want it to be," O'Connell said. "But it's more about the rapidity of getting the product out fast and at the lowest cost possible."

Local Motors plans to price the cars between $18,000 and $32,000, depending on whether a buyer wants upgrades.

Beyond its own line of cars, Local Motors hopes to tap the local community for other future-shaping concepts. They plan to operate a shop to showcase their own vehicles and a separate space for what the company calls "co-creation," or crowd sourcing.

The system works like this: local citizens interested in building cars of the future can submit prototypes and plans for vehicles or parts of vehicles directly to Local Motors, which will then offer selected projects free access to a professional work space, tools and storage space.

After uploading designs to Local Motors, designers can connect with fellow designers and engineers interested in the future of car making. Once those connections are made, anything can happen.

Once the product designers are in the shop, they can manufacture a low volume of vehicles based on their plans. And when the products are ready for sale, the designers can then leverage Local Motors' e-commerce platforms and receive a royalty for each vehicle sold.

The Las Vegas shop has not taken on any projects, because the building does not yet supply enough electrical power, a problem staffers are working to resolve within the year.

Local Motors used a similar process to make the Strati a reality. The company launched a design contest in April 2014 asking for submissions that could be fashioned using a 3D printer. Of more than 200 submissions, Local Motors picked a design dreamed up by Michele Anoe, an Italian car designer, who also named the car.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

3D Technology Helps Save A Baby's Life

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Martha Perez was 6 months pregnant when doctors discovered her baby suffered from a rare and life-threatening heart defect. Perez said she was warned her daughter, Esther, may only live up to 10 minutes after being born.

"I was shocked," said a tearful Perez. "I was crying and crying."

Soon after Perez gave birth, doctors were able to temporarily reconstruct Esther's heart. Surgery to permanently repair the baby's flood blood flow, however, came just two months ago, in part, thanks to a life-size model that was created of Esther's heart.

A 3D printing and software company, Materialise, constructed the near replica using Esther's MRI scans. Richard Kim, a cardiac surgeon with Children's Hospital Los Angeles, then used the model as a guide to plan the necessary repairs to Esther's heart.

"There's nothing like being able to touch and feel what you're going to operate," Kim told CBS News. "Looking at the model, I know, for instance, the size of the patch I need to make. I know there are parts of the heart I need to remove or cut away, and they're readily apparent."

Kim said this new 3D technology allows doctors to practice and perfect procedures before surgery, while also reducing the amount of time a patient would need to be on the operating table. "Which includes putting the child on life support, opening the chest, and arresting, or stopping the heart, and then looking inside and making a decision," Kim said. "Your thought process changes when you're doing the operation from deciding if you're going to be able to do something, to actually performing the operation."

Kim said the models can also cut down on the number of procedures a child will need. When asked whether he believes using the models can make surgery safer, Kim replied, "Yes. No question."

After surgery, Esther is now expected to live a long, healthy life without any medical complications.

"I don't have words," Perez said while crying. "When my tears come out, it's not because I'm afraid, it's because I am joyful. I am so glad she's alive... That technology that they used is amazing."


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Five Factors Why To Create 3D Browser-Based Games

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“Browser activities are dead! Lengthy live the internet browser games!” – that’s how we can best explain today’s condition of once highly sought browser-based activities (aka HTML5 games). While experienced game designers are making an effort to get back old techniques, young and committed designers are launching their eyes on 3D technical innovation and activities with multiple game play. And the practice shows that the public small business owners are more than prepared to agree to this new game playing content, and perform PvP straight from their accounts without going to the app shops.

3D Games

These committed designers are about to begin dictating their plan to the whole game playing industry and keep neglecting some common public marketing guidelines. Let’s try to figure out why browser-based games are coming into a new level of progress and how the 3D technical innovation will help them gain new strength.

1. Great Virality Potential

When did you last listen to about a sport getting 10-15 thousand sets up a day without any advertising? I believe, years ago. Lately, almost all of the public networking sites have “put the screws” on popular programs in order to entice designers to use a more successful (for the platform) generating the traffic method – ads. But public networking sites are still depending on public connections, and that’s what some independent designers have in mind when choosing to develop internet browser activities. If the experience is really awesome, any public marketer will be happy to discuss it with others for no compensate. Recommendations is a top car owner of internet browser activities sets up.

When it comes to 3D activities, your goal is to wow the viewers with awesome looking figures and background scenes and, while the player is euphoric about it, create them distribute a concept about the experience and encourage friends for a PvP the multiple. That said, 3D effects boost any internet browser activity and create it stand out of the viewers of similar looking activities.

For example, Drakensang On the internet features over 23 million customers and around 700,000 new customers each 1 month which generally represents significant amounts of worldwide success.

2. Unity3D engine

In their beginning, internet browser activities designers experienced the lack of technical solutions to allow most of functions any excellent activity should possess to entice customers and be able to generate income from. It was very difficult to create anything perform easily in a internet browser without gets frozen and FPS slumps. Yet, few handled to develop own engines and create their game playing tasks with them. For example, these Drakensang was first designed with the self-made JAVA-based motor.

But now when you have Unity3D you can forget about developing reliable tools and can actually invest all your time and effort and effort on the primary growth and performance developments. Unity3D gets regular developments, has a wide customer group, and tends to immediately improve customer care and partner connections.

The fact that a multitude of well-known internet browser activities such as King’s Road, Primary World or CSR Rushing are designed with Unity3D gives hope that this technical innovation has a appealing future ahead.

3. Impressive increase in web player installs

Any internet browser activity needs a web player to perform. It means you have to get your player’s buy-in to both perform your activity and set up a player to allow it first. And a few in the past the latter could cause you a big trouble, since not so many customers decided to set up just another yet unidentified program on their PC. As such, the bounces at the player set up level achieved almost 70%!

As sufficient time approved, Oneness kept forcing their web player plug-in to customers who, captivated with the attractiveness of 3D internet browser activities, gradually provided their approval to set up it. Once again, Oneness just split the ice and reduced the web player set up jump amount to around 15% now!

It’s also possible to reduce your web player set up jump amount by modifying its web page. Ensure it is look “sexy” by presenting awesome 3D design screenshots and your activity movie trailer – anything to warm up your players and encourage them to perform your activity. Once its elegance and key functions are clarified to customers, they’ll be OK to set up a player plug-in – it’s a concept of thumb!

4. Good hit for the buck!

It’s obvious that your internet browser activity growth budget relies on its range. But here’s one tip – you don’t really need to launch a fully presented activity with the meta-gameplay and high-level activity. Try to apply a more repetitive approach and enhance up your primary game play first. For example, if you want to launch a shooting with walls moving, begin with just one map, one unity class, a couple of arm types and the feature techniques (wall moving in this case). Iron out all eccentricities and launch a top-notch try out edition to Facebook or myspace (or any other most well-known social network in your area). Test your activity as well as your server capabilities on the first 300-500 customers and continue to the large-scale launch if the reviews is positive. Otherwise, fix your issues and come returning with an update.

To develop a basic usable trial of top quality, you’ll need a group of 3 to 5 professionals and 2 – 4 months of their perform. Now let’s determine the monthly price of browser-based activity growth in the U. s. Declares vs Ukraine (as activity growth is often contracted there):

1)   Oneness C# designer (on regular, $6,500 / 1 month in the US; $2,000 / 1 month in Ukraine)
2)   Server designer (on regular, $7,000 / 1 month in the US; $2,500 / 1 month in Ukraine)
3)   GUI specialist (on regular, $6,000 / 1 month in the US; $2,000 / 1 month in Ukraine)
4)   3D specialist / animator (on regular, $7,000 / 1 month in the US; $3,000 / 1 month in Ukraine)
5)   Game designer (on regular, $7,200 / 1 month in the US; $2,000 / 1 month in Ukraine)

So, keeping such a group will price you approximately above $30,000 / 1 month in the U. s. Declares, or less than $10,000 / 1 month in Ukraine (of course, it relies on your condition / city in both cases).
Further, according to Superdata research, the common amount per everyday effective customer (ARPDAU) standards for different browser-based activities are as follows:

$0.01 – 0.05 for public questions and simulator games
$0.05 – 0.10 for poker games
$0.3 – 0.5 for 3D games

Facebook reviews that the common everyday effective customers (DAU) of its top 10 grossing internet browser activities create 670,000. Most of browser-based activities follow a freemium model and generate income from via in-app buys. In their 2014 study Swrve found that only 1.5% of all DAU invest their money in the experience. Of those who pay, 50% purchase within the first 24 hours, and 60% of your complete income per perform is gathered within the first 14 times.

In Chinese suppliers, internet browser activities consideration for 15% of the complete game playing earnings, i.e. $2.11 billion dollars, while cellular activities consideration for 13.5 percent. This is just some something to think about.

5. Multi-platform coverage

Since public networking sites typically have very wide player viewers (but obviously not the most spending ones), it may be beneficial to target them with your browser-based activity first. Once your activity goes popular and gets a sufficient base of faithful players prepared to be your brand supporters, you can actually rebuilding your activity for cellular systems and force it to the app shops with better spending viewers. A excellent example is Impressive Field by Travian Games that was first released as a 3D internet browser activity, became popular among the Internet players and was gradually re-developed for iOS and Android operating system.

To cover it up, today’s public small business owners consideration for the lion’s discuss of the international on the internet group, and all they want to do is playing their favorite activities everywhere and easily. While many activity companies and start-ups are concentrating their initiatives on cellular growth and assigning rather huge costs on app store marketing, you can money the pattern by going public first. According to FGL, “there seem to be companies taking up every day interested in making an investment in [HTML5 games] in one form or another.”

So, rush up to get on the group now while the door is still open up and the access hurdle is not that high!


Monday, September 29, 2014

New Sensoree 3D Printed Headpiece Shows Your Brain Stress

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In an amazing show of style and the brain, Sensoree has developed a new toy it has known as the NEUROTiQ. Using a thoughts indicator that choices up action based on different feelings and declares of psychological attention, Sensoree linked the development to a knitted 3D create full of “globules” that lighted when triggered by the brain. Different states show themselves in various shades along a variety described by software programming. An EEG thoughts indicator relays the brain declares and they are then lit for a amazing show of the brain.

Sensoree 3d printed headpiece

The design presented at the 2014 New York Fashion Week deserves a driveway demonstration. The circles and lattices form a knitted design that appears like the synapses inside the brain whose action it wishes to show. The sewing and publishing process each clocked in under a hundred time each with the programming time tongue-and-cheekily left unidentified. The 3D globules have electronic devices within a plastic create.

Neurotiq 3d printing

In order to light up the knitted 3D create, Sensoree worked with the Emotiv Epoc EEG thoughts indicator complete with 14 factors that observe thoughts surf. As a result, 14 light factors, the globules, were created to indicate the brain declares. Each color harmonizes with a specific state: delta/deep sleep, red; theta/meditation, orange; beta/consciousness, yellow-green; gamma/multi-sensory thoughts condition, blue/purple/red.

The NEUROTiQ has an otherworldly look to it, yet it is exclusively human and acquainted. The headdress catches declares of the brain, the inner working parts of our being and sets alight knitted globules. It is as if the brain prolonged beyond the normal features of the head and is let reduce in an lighted independence of appearance. Strongly, the design talks her thoughts. Fascinating in its impressive use of 3D publishing and by the complicated beauty implied in something as genuine and synaptic as the brain.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

3D Technology Could Improve Security For Civilians

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No matter if detecting the actual faces associated with terrorists hiding in crowds of people, locating concealed weapons or identifying forceful devices in subway devices, new 3 dimensional technology is actually a key weapon from the homeland safety measures arsenal. Surveillance devices typically make use of two-dimensional graphics, but in the event that experts can generate high- meaning 3D graphics, security companies could harvest greater information.

A team from your University with the West associated with England’s (UWE) Hub for Appliance Vision in Bristol, Ough. K. aims to extract high-resolution 3 dimensional video details even far away of many hundred foot.

3d technology surveillance

“This analyze will examination the feasibility associated with combining photometric stereo audio with latest developments in sensor and illumination technologies, ” stated Mel Cruz, director associated with UWE's Hub for Appliance Vision, in the statement. “We are going to build some sort of demonstrator system competent to operate the two at shut range and at long distance, and will test drive it in authentic outdoor conditions during nighttime and daytime. ”

Photometric stereo can be a technique for estimating the actual depth and surface information on an thing by examining a similar view coming from different directions.

U. K. -based online video media surveillance professional Aralia Systems can be involved in the research venture, which is usually funded through the Technology Strategy Board. The Hub for Appliance Vision is section of the Bristol Robotics Lab.

If generally deployed, the 3 dimensional surveillance technology may help deter terrorist attacks and strengthen security for civilians.

How can it perform?

Essentially, the actual UWE system analyzes a number of images unnaturally illuminated coming from different directions. The technology relies on a black silicon sensor and combines cutting-edge detector technologies with advanced image finalizing. Information is usually extracted and utilized to build some sort of 3D version with the image, and this can be rotated to review from unique angles.

The prototype will likely be tested in outdoor landscape in the two light and dark problems. Airports, educate and coach stations, department stores, popular attractions, government houses, ports plus much more could potentially gain benefit new security technology.

The team’s analysis also suggests that the technologies could perform in varying degrees of light and dark, along with obscured problems involving, for instance, fog or smoke.

The technology may be built straight into existing safety measures networks for instance CCTV.

Utilising an enhanced remote control system can provide positive aspects like cutting down false alarms plus the need to get a physical safety measures presence.

Revealing and discerning threats

The Hub for Appliance Vision can be investigating how 3D research may help to distinguish threats including guns or explosives concealed beneath clothes. Scientists get created some sort of portable device that instantly detects and recognizes prospective hidden threats on the military in war zones. This, on the other hand, could additionally be a good choice for protect civilians at home.

The prototype device won funding from your U. K. ’s Ministry associated with Defence underneath its Rivalry of Tips scheme and got its start with Ough. K. -based devices engineering professional SEA Group. The technology operates by enhancing simple shapes and surface information, revealing stuff that are by choice concealed.

Photometric stereo audio produces some sort of composite image using gentle from three and up sources – this can be linked to a computer for getting reference data with regards to a suspected object's exterior.

The device is really effective which it can show, for case, not just the placement of some sort of weapon, but in addition the type at the same time. A modest wearable version may very well be deployed on the soldier or first responder to distinguish threats that are close.

Makeup recognition

PhotoFace, some sort of facial acceptance method of which uses high-speed photometric stereo audio, is another of UWE’s initiatives. Skin reflectance data can be captured to provide synthetic poses of virtually any face captured through the PhotoFace device.

The PhotoFace venture began in 2007 plus the initial analysis phases were together with Imperial College or university London’s Marketing communications and Indicate Processing Group. The staff also worked with defense professional General Dynamics plus the Home Workplace Centre for Applied Science and Technological know-how.

Detecting man emotions

Got a online poker tell? UWE’s 4D Perspective Project can soon detect harmless online poker tells, but in addition dangerous terrorist types.

Described by simply UWE seeing that “next age group photometric technology” the actual 4D Perspective Project catches changing facial expressions in ultra-high solution. The technology relies on a single camera for taking a series of 2D facial images even though LED gentle pulses illuminate the face area. An protocol then can determine face condition and pores and skin using shade providing data. A pc uses this data to manufacture a 3D deal with moving instantly by processing the subsequent set associated with 2D images because the 3D deal with is reconstructed.

Beyond security applications like helping facial acceptance screening with high-risk internet sites, it might also have prospective applications in medicine for instance aiding using stroke healing and facial surgery.

Friday, July 18, 2014

3D Printers Could Help Soldiers During War

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3D Technology has revolutionized the way we live and see things. Nowadays 3D Printers are helping people to print 3 Dimensional objects which looks real if compared to original objects. In the medical field, Human organs are now being printed using 3D printers which can be placed in the human body like all natural organs, this phenomena is still in the testing stage and still medical scientist and doctors are testing on 3D printed organs. Last year we also heard about 3D Printed guns which were able to fire rounds as strong as real bullets. Well now , this test is basically switching towards a real time scenario where soldiers can use 3D printer in the ground to print parts of their weapons and ammo.

3D Printers could help soldiers in war

At 3D printing conference in Melbourne Australia this week, The Australian army suggested that 3D printers could be of great help during a conflict. Supply convoys are often targeted by roadside bombs, but if soldiers were able to print items for themselves , the number of supply missions could be cut down. 

Australian Army Lieutenant Jacob Choi told in the conference, 

" They should be able to print what they need on the ground so it can be serviceable within a matter of hours"

He also said, 

"You might have the light guys doing a lot of repair parts of riffles, armaments and vehicles . If you have a heavy unit able to print the most of the delicate parts, they might be able to print things up to the size of a Humvee or Land Rover as well"

Not Only Australia , but US Army is also investing on 3D Printing since 2012 for the same reason. The use of this technology in the wars could lead to wining situations for the soldiers which would speed up their performance. 

The 3D printers can also be used to print large drones that can be used for surveillance on enemy troops. The BAE systems has the most concrete plans for 3D printing in wars and soon this thing could come into reality.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

New Era Of 3D Printed Food That Will Melt In Your Mouth

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We have heard of 3D movies , 3D TV , 3D Games and even 3D objects printed from a giant 3D printer like real guns that can fire shots which are not harmful but now the term 3D is shifting at a much higher level. Have you ever thought of eating food printed from a 3D printer which taste real and have good delicious smell, if not than after reading this you should start thinking because in the next coming era, 3D printed foods will be seen on your dinner table. Yes , 3D Printed food, A German food company is working on a new formula that will print 3D food which will look just same as you eat your normal meals, like Steak, Sausage, Pasta , Chicken , broccoli and much more.

3D printed food easy to digest

Eating is everyone's favorite activity and when it comes to choosing delicious foods we can take our whole day to choose what to eat and make that thing possible to eat , like if someone is smelling steak in his mind and his stomach is requesting for delicious piece of steak , that person will make that thing happen and will find someway to make steak either at home or go to a restaurant and eat that, but if you have a 3D printer at home that can print real foods for you , you will save time and can print any kind of food you want. It is just like having a restaurant at home, whose owner and customer is you.

You might be thinking , why there is a 3D printer for printing 3D foods when you can find real food in a restaurant or in the market, like carrot or any other vegetable , it can be easily purchased from the market, but why 3D printer is being built only for that purpose. Well , this 3D printed food will be special , as the food printed by this 3D printer will melt automatically in your stomach and makes it easy to digest.

Normal food sometimes get stuck in your throat , like older people who have chewing and swallowing problem, millions of elderly people suffer from dysphagia , which causes food to stuck in the throat and in the worst cases stuck into lungs which makes a big problem. 3D printed food would be best for those people who have problem in chewing and swallowing their food, where the food automatically gets melted when it is inside your stomach. This food will have all necessary vitamins and energy which is found in a normal food but the only difference will be , it is available quick and can be digested well.

Via - Fastcoexist