3D Technology has revolutionized the way we live and see things. Nowadays 3D Printers are helping people to print 3 Dimensional objects which looks real if compared to original objects. In the medical field, Human organs are now being printed using 3D printers which can be placed in the human body like all natural organs, this phenomena is still in the testing stage and still medical scientist and doctors are testing on 3D printed organs. Last year we also heard about 3D Printed guns which were able to fire rounds as strong as real bullets. Well now , this test is basically switching towards a real time scenario where soldiers can use 3D printer in the ground to print parts of their weapons and ammo.

At 3D printing conference in Melbourne Australia this week, The Australian army suggested that 3D printers could be of great help during a conflict. Supply convoys are often targeted by roadside bombs, but if soldiers were able to print items for themselves , the number of supply missions could be cut down.
Australian Army Lieutenant Jacob Choi told in the conference,
" They should be able to print what they need on the ground so it can be serviceable within a matter of hours"
He also said,
"You might have the light guys doing a lot of repair parts of riffles, armaments and vehicles . If you have a heavy unit able to print the most of the delicate parts, they might be able to print things up to the size of a Humvee or Land Rover as well"
Not Only Australia , but US Army is also investing on 3D Printing since 2012 for the same reason. The use of this technology in the wars could lead to wining situations for the soldiers which would speed up their performance.
The 3D printers can also be used to print large drones that can be used for surveillance on enemy troops. The BAE systems has the most concrete plans for 3D printing in wars and soon this thing could come into reality.
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