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Saturday, June 7, 2014

New Era Of 3D Printed Food That Will Melt In Your Mouth

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We have heard of 3D movies , 3D TV , 3D Games and even 3D objects printed from a giant 3D printer like real guns that can fire shots which are not harmful but now the term 3D is shifting at a much higher level. Have you ever thought of eating food printed from a 3D printer which taste real and have good delicious smell, if not than after reading this you should start thinking because in the next coming era, 3D printed foods will be seen on your dinner table. Yes , 3D Printed food, A German food company is working on a new formula that will print 3D food which will look just same as you eat your normal meals, like Steak, Sausage, Pasta , Chicken , broccoli and much more.

3D printed food easy to digest

Eating is everyone's favorite activity and when it comes to choosing delicious foods we can take our whole day to choose what to eat and make that thing possible to eat , like if someone is smelling steak in his mind and his stomach is requesting for delicious piece of steak , that person will make that thing happen and will find someway to make steak either at home or go to a restaurant and eat that, but if you have a 3D printer at home that can print real foods for you , you will save time and can print any kind of food you want. It is just like having a restaurant at home, whose owner and customer is you.

You might be thinking , why there is a 3D printer for printing 3D foods when you can find real food in a restaurant or in the market, like carrot or any other vegetable , it can be easily purchased from the market, but why 3D printer is being built only for that purpose. Well , this 3D printed food will be special , as the food printed by this 3D printer will melt automatically in your stomach and makes it easy to digest.

Normal food sometimes get stuck in your throat , like older people who have chewing and swallowing problem, millions of elderly people suffer from dysphagia , which causes food to stuck in the throat and in the worst cases stuck into lungs which makes a big problem. 3D printed food would be best for those people who have problem in chewing and swallowing their food, where the food automatically gets melted when it is inside your stomach. This food will have all necessary vitamins and energy which is found in a normal food but the only difference will be , it is available quick and can be digested well.

Via - Fastcoexist


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